Plant more trees
We're on a mission to grow millions of healthy, native trees across the UK to help protect us from the effects of climate change.
Find out whyWhen it comes to climate change, our message is clear: native woods and trees are one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis.
The benefits of trees in the fight against climate change are now well understood.
They lock up carbon, reduce pollution and flooding, and support people, wildlife and farming in adapting to the climate crisis.
But we need more of them. If the UK is to reach its carbon neutral target by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change has recommended an increase in woodland cover from 13% to 19%.
UK woodland stores 213 million tonnes of carbon in living trees.
But woodland cover in the UK is low compared with the rest of Europe.
That's how low the UK's woodland cover is.
Compared with the EU average of 37%.
That's how much woodland cover the UK needs.
If the UK is to meet its carbon net zero target by 2050.
We're on a mission to grow millions of healthy, native trees across the UK to help protect us from the effects of climate change.
Find out whyTrees woods and wildlife
Trees are one of the best natural climate change solutions. Find out how they lock up carbon and how many the UK needs to reach carbon net zero by 2050.
Trees woods and wildlife
Trees and woods play a vital role in reducing flooding by slowing down the flow of rainwater, absorbing rainwater, and reducing erosion.
Helen Keating • 12 Nov 2021
Protecting trees and woods
They green our cities. They clean our air. They fight the effects of climate. They even increase property values. Find out what they do for people, wildlife and the economy.
Trees woods and wildlife
Air pollution can have a serious impact on our health, global climate and biodiversity, but trees can help.
There is an urgent need to act now. The UK needs to at least quadruple the current rate of woodland creation and increase the number of native trees.
An increase in native trees will help to minimise the pace and level of climate change and adapt to its unavoidable impacts.
Here at the Woodland Trust, we're expanding tree cover and protecting and restoring the UK's existing woods. To increase tree cover, our mission is to get 50 million native trees in the ground over the next 5 years. It’s a huge task.
About us
We are the Woodland Trust. We plant, protect, restore and manage woods and trees.
About us
Our vision is optimistic: a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature. Find out how we plan to achieve this over the next decade.
About us
The North of England has significantly less woodland cover than the rest of the country, but not for much longer. With our partners we are planting 50 million trees and transforming the landscape of northern England.
About us
Find out how we're creating bigger, richer, better, more resilient landscapes for nature and people.
Woodland Trust Shop
Do your bit for climate change. Help us get millions more native trees in the ground by planting a tree in your garden.
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Support us
Fight climate change with 5,000 points to lock up around a tonne of carbon, or help grow the woods of the future with 2,000 to plant a tree.
Visiting woods
Help monitor the effects of climate change on wildlife near you. Your records contribute to a growing body of evidence on global warming.
State of UK woods and trees
The first-ever report that focuses on the UK's native woods and trees. It outlines their current extent, condition and wildlife value, benefits and threats.
Climate change
For nature to thrive, timing is everything. But seasonal events are happening earlier, with disastrous knock-on effects for native wildlife. Find out how you can help.
Trees can tackle climate change and absorb carbon, but what those trees are and how they are managed is key.
Karen Hornigold • 27 Jul 2020
Global warming is affecting the UK. Find out the changes we are already seeing, the changes to come, and how we can fight back.
Nick Atkinson • 24 Apr 2019
Climate change is a global concern that challenges all of us. But what do deforestation and climate change mean? What's their relationship? And how can you help?
Nick Atkinson • 04 Mar 2019